Module palletjack.errors

Errors specific to palletjack

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"""Errors specific to palletjack

class IntFieldAsFloatError(Exception):
    """A field expected to be integer is float instead"""

class TimezoneAwareDatetimeError(Exception):
    """A datetime field uses a timezone-aware dtype"""


class IntFieldAsFloatError (*args, **kwargs)

A field expected to be integer is float instead

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class IntFieldAsFloatError(Exception):
    """A field expected to be integer is float instead"""


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class TimezoneAwareDatetimeError (*args, **kwargs)

A datetime field uses a timezone-aware dtype

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class TimezoneAwareDatetimeError(Exception):
    """A datetime field uses a timezone-aware dtype"""


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException